Environmental Education and Public Awareness is one of the important activities in an effort to educate and encourage the public to love and appreciate wildlife resources and the environment. The Sabah Wildlife Department (SWD) Education Unit has developed a range of environmental module program for primary and secondary schools based on classroom and outdoor resources which help to increase student’s knowledge of and respect for wildlife.

   In 2017, SWD has appointed Wildlife Junior Ranger (WJR) which provide students with information and opportunity for them to share their experience through the program with other school students and young people in their communities, with the aim of becoming important role models and mentors in wildlife conservation.

   Under the Wildlife Conservation Enactment (WCE) 1997, local communities/public can be appointed as Honorary Wildlife Warden (HWW) and given the opportunities and power to implement the wildlife conservation laws by raising awareness on illegal wildlife activities and also assist enforcement to curb wildlife offences. This is a good effort to develop citizens who are aware and concerned about the current wildlife problems and the prevention of new ones.


Pictures above shows Environmental Education activities being carried out for schools children to enhance their knowledge and love for wildlife


SWD senior ranger giving a talk to local community on importances of protecting wildlife in Sabah (Jun 2018, SEMPORNA)

Collaboration approach of SWD with various stakeholders to promote International World Turtle Day Celebration (November 2019, SANDAKAN)


Newspaper publish of successful events organized by SWD (World Wildlife Day and World Turtle Day)